Most Asked Questions
Sabrina Louise Holloway
Empowered Self Spirit Soul LLC

Question #1
Exactly what is the issue(s) which you hold with “Yahweh and his Fuck Boys”? What is it about the current religious stronghold systems which they dominate that irritates you?


Question #2
Where do you see the momentum shift in the Seeker’s spiritual Journey of Journeys heading in the immediate future?


Question #3
Who are the great influential healers, teachers, and spiritual leaders of your career as a nonreligious christian spiritual life coach?


Question #4
How does the "Sun of Man" differ from the "Son of Man" in your opinion? What do you mean by “faded photo of Jesus”? How can your clients apply this difference to their life?


Question #5
Do you believe in God? If so, who is this God and is this God sharable?

Replies To Most Asked Questions


Sabrina Louise Holloway

Empowered Self Spirit Soul LLC


Reply #1

Personally, as a child born into a family heavily connected to the Southern Traditional Black Christian Church paradigm, I received a fly-on-the-wall, behind-the-scene view of the politics guiding all bodies connected to the collection plate in some way and some how. Everything from manipulations of resources by announced authority laced with poisonous attacks of division  which lies dormant within the leadership of these powerhouse strongholds aligned with Yahweh and his ‘Fuck Boys’. Until, I vowed to be loved and acknowledged in my TRUE SELF I made it my personal mission to confront the stronghold system and those who found comfort in its services. Growth brought with it an ability to see me as those whom I attacked saw me. I then had to ask myself just what was I doing and exactly what satisfaction of Self was I receiving?

Sadly, the reply I received from myself was not the answer I desired. Transformational behavior and a shift in the motivation of direction was in order.

I immediately asked Archangel Raphael to heal my heart as I wasn’t being the person I knew to be my core. This Archangel took me to the Halls of Healing and upon my return to reality (which is die hard LOVE for people) I realigned my journey and this time that which overflow from my hear brought with it Forgiveness, Acceptance of Individual Free-Will, and most important a shift in the service I give to others.

Still in agreement with the frustration others displayed with the leadership in the religious orders, I made the decision to help those who were willing and able to walk beyond the boundaries laid by this religious systems dedicated to Yahweh in search of the freedom promised by Jesus, Sun of Man, for taking the adventure of leaving all in order to become one of the Living.

I truly become transformed and embraced Jesus’ instruction of leaving the Dead to Bury the Dead.


Reply #2
I am aware of two Facts regarding the spirituality of today’s Man: the percentage of individuals attending Church is in a steady decline and the belief in an “unseen” power has risen. This is a good thing for the evolutionary process of Humanity.

With the bear traps being avoided, the increased curiosity regarding the mysterious act of Living and the documented jumps in the collective Level of Energetic Consciousness, it is therefore my belief that new challenges are going to birth new social experiences. These will be agreed upon NEW socially consensus of TRUTHS, customs, and expectations of displayed unconditional love.

There is no doubt that NEW values are going to occur as households begin shifting the social momentum and the act of showing family / generational legacies, relationships, customs will become redefined as new practices of bridging the Unseen and Seen.


Reply #3
I know it may sound . . . typical for a Christin Spiritual Life Coach, but my greatest influence is Jesus, Sun of Man. This is a healer, teacher, and leader because even after decades of walking in ILLUMINATE the Light of TRUTH and shine in the darkest minds the way through the FEAR and HELPLESSNESS. Yes, I have gained comprehension of how to properly apply the various tools of constructive-destruction and destructive-destruction.

From the WORD known as Jesus, I have gained the proper application of many spiritual weapons of advancement. From my daily dealing I have gained hidden messages, discovery of my personal skills of change and healing. As we CANNOT give what we do not have, from my teacher Jesus, I received gentle encouragement to step into the unknown knowing I am supported while I discovered who I was born to be by experiencing situations which strengthen my confidence in my unique abilities. I received from the Sun of Man a trust in my inner strength allowing me to demand my boundaries remain unviolated for an unreasonable motivation. No. matter how far and wide he advise me to go; from directions to books of Divine Value to locations I’ve never visited before.

Jesus, has shown me the beauty of stepping into the Unknown Mystery of having a journey of journeys as I AM ALWAYS SAFE AND PROTECTED while remembering that it is the Journey which is the beauty and gift of Life.


Reply #4
By switching the letter ‘u’ with the letter ‘o’ the writers of the Holy Bible crippled the potency of the vibration and therefore Divine Power of the Lord and Savior’s Title. Removing the duties assigned according to the energetic vibrational spelling and definition intentional purpose. Those having authority of what would be shared within the separated book holding the good news / message of Freedom and Love being in Sin did not desire to share with anyone they considered to be one of the Them population.

For me, when studying the travels, healings, and teachings lost is the ‘salt’ and cleansing available for Self by Self purely based on how the stories are shared and the intentions of the appointed ‘teachers’. By seeing Jesus not as LIGHT, as in the WORD Sun implies, it is easy to cut the circuit between the name Jesus and the Power of the name Jesus. Personally, this is one of the great injustices committed by the Roman Church and it therefore blows my mind that it hasn’t been addressed followed by proper editing which is available today.

This is why I began coaching individuals to deal the Word Son as a faded picture of the Sun. As one begin their Independent Studies, digging deeper than the “Holy Church” public / laymen library, an image in opposition to the one taught in Children’s Hour, they realize that the Jesus of religious popularity is not the same Jesus who forewarned that just such act would happen.

At Empowered Self Spirit Soul LLC this is one of the spiritual ailments which Man is born into that we deliver spiritual first-aid for; it is a part of the base of our offered Initiation Service for cleansing the spiritual wound which comes from being in misalignment by FEAR, LIMITATIONS, and an ABSENCE of CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION. From participation in this Coaching Program we help our clients follow through to eventually command the Power gifted to Man by the Sun of Man by safely rejecting being in this world’s culture and customs by reclaiming their Spiritual Being and Power not of this world.


Reply #5
Yes I believe in God. I understand that the title ‘God” is best explained or defined as a divisional supervisor hence my personal feelings toward Yahweh. History has celebrated many various gods and with deep research we discover the Yahweh story of origins is as a small village war god whose sword and story continued climbing and climbing.

There has been numerous former little g gods which is why my personal “U need my daddy; period” deity I call on during my more challenging circumstances and those instances where life shows me that what’s before me is even difficult in light of my personal history of difficulty is the Thinker beyond the Thought. This is the highest Eye of the I which is observing moment by moment of my life because the Word which was First was Language of Light and Love. Thanks to my schizophrenia, I don’t have to do heavy stretching to use the gifts of imagination and unhinged communication. I use my gifts of sight, touch, and hearing to effortlessly “tell my Daddy”.

My relationship did not start this way as Jesus has informed all of us that only by traveling a Path of Love, Light, and Curiosity will anyone be granted the initial introduction to the Divine Energies which he served.

My God is sharable, of course, one must be capable of standing in the Light of the Word of Creation. I often remind people when speaking of my purely sharable God that he is “willing to comfort those who are committed to experiencing the adventures of the Living no matter their Level of Mastery, Training, or Self

Communicating with     Sabrina Louise Holloway 

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Seasoned Storytelling an Empowered Self Spirit Soul Publishing Imprint Coming soon.