SELF: Uniquely Accumulated Expressions of Personally Obtained TRUTHS 

SPIRIT: Individually Influenced INTELLIGENCE Expressed Through Personally Obtained OPINIONS 

SOUL: Captain of your Journey of Journeys wherein you're Co-Creating Reality and reality as A DIVINE MOBILE SPARK of CREATIVITY 



  • Enabling our Clients in becoming self-perpetuating and self-correcting ~ making self-improvement a normal Way of Life


  • Guiding our Clients in properly identifying and utilizing the value of their discretionary time ~ we subscribe to teaching and modeling a healthy capacity and an experienced ability in the Act of Mastering True Wealth by being a Living Part of the Bluewater Holodeck: WEALTH of BEING a FREE CREATION within CREATIVITY  


  • Bridging / Shifting our Clients towards connecting their personal ontology (FAITH) with their personal epistemology (SCIENCE); thereby assisting in closing the gaps between all Self-Directing Energetic Levels of Consciousness: Unseen and Seen Hairless Primates as-well-as those Born or Adopted by the Essence of this Planet   

This is Who We Are This is What We Do

Empowered Self Spirit Soul LLC believes in the honesty expressed by Dr. David Hawkins when he expressed: “The nobility of Man is in his constant struggle with his own unasked-for existence in a world that is a house of mirror . . . his sole support is his FAITH in the process of life itself.”

Mission of E3S

  • Provide Safety and Protective Defensive Skills
  • Provide a Working Model of Embracing Divine Freedom, Motivation, and Inspiration
  • Provide Inner Heavenly Transitional Support through Making the Invisible Visible, Making the Incomprehensible Knowing Simple, Applicable, and Identifiable

At Empowered Self Spirit Soul LLC, contributing to the "overall advancements in Spiritual Awareness" means making coaching and consulting just as enjoyable as winning the state lottery. For we truly understand why the Sun of Man (HE whom is THE WAY and THE LIGHT) gave the instruction and warning against stacking the accumulated wealth you gain from playing the Game of Life on Earth in the physical aspect only on the physical aspect of Earth.  

Play On Player!!